by Kevin Gutierrez
How I got into Software Development
In late 2015, I recieved my first graphing calculator (A TI-84) from my uncle. In math, we were introduced to functions such as the quadriatic equation, and the pythagorean therom. Manually plugging in all the variables into the calculator seemed like a chore, so I looked into programming the calculator to take user input and do the required mathematical operations. Without realizing, I was slowly becoming a developer.
Eventually, I began following tutorials on youtube to create html websites when I was in 9th and 10th grade. Following the advice given to me from my math teacher, I decided to enroll in the Computer Programming (AAS) program at SCTCC in spring of 2019, which happened to be my senior year of high school.
* Maintained a cross platform mobile application, Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines for the build and deployment of hundreds of mobile apps, and write API logic for serving web and app clients
* Taught CMSC 2204 (Mobile App Development) and CMSC 2240 (.NET API Development)